“All disease begins in the gut” – Hippocrates
There appears to be a renewed attention in both medical literature and the news about the importance of gut health. You’ve heard the term “gut health” before, but what does it actually mean?
As Hippocrates said more than 2,000 years ago, disease begins in the gut. Gut health really is predominantly about the small and large intestine. The stomach is certainly part of this discussion, but most often, the attention is focused on the intestines.
The intestines are unique in that most of the interaction between the outside and inside of the body happen here. This is where what we eat and drink has an opportunity to be broken down, digested, and absorbed into the body or denied entrance. This is where a colony of life lives that is busy feeding and protecting us. It’s also the place our body absorbs healthy nutrients while excreting waste – including cells and toxins that our body rejects. So, a healthy gut – or microbiome as it is often called – is critical to our overall health. It should be noted that approximately 70% of our immune system comes from our gut. The neurotransmitters that balance our brain health originate from, in large part, our gut. Therefore, our mood, energy, and ability to fight infections and disease are all affected by our gut health. Plus, a healthy gut can lead to a more natural homeostasis for your body.
If our gut is so important, what should we know that will help to keep it healthy? Let’s start with a few more things that you should know. First, inside our small and large intestines are billions of bacteria that live and feed on the food that we eat. There are both good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria feeds on vegetables, proteins, foods high in fiber and whole clean food. Bad bacteria, including yeast and fungus, thrive on diets high in sugar, excessive carbohydrates, trans fats and processed foods. When our good bacteria and bad bacteria get out of balance, we create “dysbiosis,” which is directly connected with conditions such as loss of energy, fatigue, brain fog, depression, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, etc.
Major factors that can lead to a misbalanced gut (dysbiosis):
- Poor diet
- Stress
- Toxins
- Travel
- Antibiotics
- Drugs
Here are the symptoms that indicate you suffer from gut dysbiosis:
- Fatigue – loss of energy
- Decreased concentration
- Depression
- Bowel disorders
- Digestive disturbances
- Poor vitamin and nutrient absorption
- Skin rashes
- Food cravings (especially sweets)
How can you improve your gut health and resultantly improve your overall health? Follow these tips and suggestions:
- Whole clean diet (3 vegetables to every 1 fruit, have 4-5 servings of greens per day)
- Avoid processed food, which includes all fast food
- Avoid alcohol, soda and any drink high in sugars (sports drinks!)
- Eat good fats (nuts, beans, and avocados)
- Get 8-9 hours of sleep per night (a normal sleep pattern helps you achieve a better circadian rhythm)
- Workout 3 times per week (add weights to your workout and occasionally do more heavy types of lifting)
At CoreLife Eatery, we believe strengthening your core is foundational to a whole healthy life. Change your lunch, change your life. It all starts in the gut. Join the challenge in 2017 for a healthier life!
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food” – Hippocrates